A lot more about that information, but we still do get the five paid days that we've had before, but now this gives us some additional unpaid possibilities too if you need to take more time than the five days. Just be sure to read a little bit more about that. Also, just a reminder, this is the time of year where a lot of things have changed with the beginning of the academic year. We're seeing, of course, our salary changes that go along with salary planner. And then also changes with our rollover of our leave time. Just be on top of that for yourself as a civil service member, take a look at your earning statement, keep an eye on your leave balances and just make sure everything looks the way you would expect it to. Here in HR, of course, we work really hard to make sure everything is correct, but there can be mistakes and things can happen. We always encourage employees to take a yearly look at that, especially right now and just be sure that it looks to be what you're expecting to see, and if you find anything, of course, bring it to our attention. But everything should be good. That is that. Then lastly, I have some sad news in that my last day at the university is going to be next Friday 13 September. So I wish you all well as a fellow civil service member and especially a leadership position in the Civil Service. I have enjoyed listening to you guys and all the different things that you're trying to accomplish here in this committee. So I just encourage you to keep doing what you're doing and staying on top of things and encouraging change where you see it needing to happen, and I wish you all well and continued success for UIS. So I don't know yet who is going to come to this meeting and give the report next month. I imagine it will be Maybe Madison Van Gunton or potentially Angela Foster from the system office, who's helping out right now. One of them will be on next month. But anyway, I just wanted to say I have enjoyed working with all of you, so thank you for letting me be a part of it. Okay. Well, thank you, Melissa, Melissa. We really appreciate your dedication and your assistance to CSAC in the campus at H. Wish you the best in your next adventure. Any questions from Melissa on her report? Anybody you want to just say, Hey, thanks or anything like that, it's open to anybody who would like to ask or answer anything. I'm not seeing anything. We've got a lot of messages coming through the chat. So make sure you look at that movies. Does everything for the salary planer look like it'll be on time? We won't have any delays on that, I assume. Madison Madison and Alexa also in our office have been powering through on that this summer and Matty has been double checking a lot of things this week, also just to make sure. Sometimes we have if there are additional appointments or changes like labor changes or labor distribution changes and such that have been entered during the same time frame. Sometimes something gets kicked out. Matty is being proactive and looking through all of that and making sure that everything looks good. I think we should be right on track. Also should be getting what they're expecting and on time and good to go. Sounds good. Well, thank you very much. Good luck. Thank you. Mr. Malia. We will move on to facilities and services. Bob Mitchell is here for Chuck. Bob, take it away. Make sure your camera. All right. I'm working on it. Look, there I am. How about that? Let's see. Updates for everybody. Construction that you're going to start to see here in the next week or two, actually tomorrow, they're going to be replacing a section of the roof on PAC. Henson Robinson will be the contractor on that. You guys will be seeing cranes and crews up there on the roof working on that. Project duration is roughly about six weeks. Pending any bad weather or anything like that that would delay. Also starting about mid October. There's two buildings over in housing, Clover Curt, that are going to get new roof windows siting, all that exterior envelope type stuff done. Limbaugh Construction will be the contractor on that, and that should take roughly from mid October to Christmas time, again, weather dependent. That's the active construction, you'll start to see outside of our crews working. Other large projects, the library commons is still on track. We are working with the Capital Development Board. I hoping that they get that out to bid in the next two to four weeks. That's what they keep telling us, barring any issues with their reviews or work with the architectural firm, but they keep telling us that they're on track to get that out for bid this fall. Holding out for that one. In design, we're working on a new HVAC system for the server room that houses all the servers for campus. That is ongoing. Nobody generally sees those things, but those are good projects to make sure that there's no issues or problems with that. I'm trying to think if there were any other big ones out there that will affect everybody. In U Hall, if you guys have been through U Hall, you've noticed we've had ceiling tiles and ladders all over the place trying to address all of the leaks in the heating system. Tried to get that done this summer, but every time we filled up the system, we found a new leak. There's still some remaining insulating and wall repair that's going to be done from those leaks, but You're wondering what's going on in Hall first through the fourth floor. That's what we've been working on. We hope to have that wrapped up here in the next couple of weeks. We think we've got all of the plumbing issues figured out, but anyway, that's an update on what's been going on in there and what we've got. Anybody got any questions about any other projects out there or any other things you've seen us working on? All right. Well, thank you, everybody. Appreciate it. And if you guys ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to give this call. Thank you, Bob. All right. I'm going to move on to the Chancellor's report with Kel. Good morning, everybody. A H handful of things to share with you. First, the Chancellor and Joe Cestak are on the first leg of the system State tour this week. They're up in the Chicago area. We'll be back toward the end of this week. Next week is a board meeting, and then the following week is leg two of the State. We might not see the chancellor on campus as I know she'd like to be, but she is doing good things with the system. We are close to being able to announce the next Vice Chancellor for advancement, so I'd expect to see news about that probably within a week or so, maybe a little bit longer. But that is getting real close to being wrapped up. We are close to starting the search for the next leader of Human Resources. So Melissa Minsky's successor. We're getting the search committee together for that and getting ready to move on that. I'm going to be chairing that search. We are close, like I said to finalizing the search committee, but if anybody has any suggestions for candidates for the search committee based on their interactions with HR where their insights will be helpful for making that decision, go ahead and self nominate or send someone's name my way since that's not completely finalized. Then I just encourage you to look at the Chancellors newsletter that came out yesterday. There's a couple of things to pay attention to. First, if you work in the PAC building, When there are events in the Sanguine auditorium or the performing art center, especially those that require heightened security. The side doors by the elevator base will be locked, and unless you've got key card access, you'll have to go in through the main entrance or the tier drop. Take a look at that and if you think that you need key access or card access to those side doors during those events, you can request that with the police. Typically, those events happen after hours, so this shouldn't affect business operations too much or those of us coming and going for meetings, but just a heads up. That's in the Chancellor's newsletter. We also have a new parking policy that is available for comments, that's going to be up through the 12th, I believe. So there's a link to that in the newsletter, so you can take a look at that. If you're at the kickoff on the 20 seconds with the leadership team, The Chancellor mentioned that we've got some other policies that we had to get wrapped up by the start of the school year. So we're going to retroactively open those up for comments here probably within a week or so. Then, if anything, informs those policies where we need to re approve those as a cabinet, we will do so. But we had to have those approved and posted by the first day of school. So we didn't have time to open it up for two weeks of comment, especially with faculty being off contract. We needed to wait til everyone was here. So 's coming. If you missed the kickoff, it was really fun, and the convocation afterward was even funner, and the link to the kickoff is in the Chancellor's newsletter. If you missed it, you can watch the recording of that. The next gathering that we'll have to hear from the leadership team is going to be October 16, that's going to be our employee info session for the fall. I think it's going to be in Brookens, but don't hold me to that just yet. And this is going to feature mostly hearing from the Chancellor Ken Kriz and Vicki Cook about enrollment and budget. The Chancellor planned a little seat at the kickoff talking about our two top priorities for the year, being reducing our deficit, and strengthening our academic program portfolios. You're going to be hearing more about that throughout the semester, especially at that October 16 meeting. Be sure that you're tuned into that and we will record that and share afterward in case you can't come, but of course, we hope you're there. I think I made it through my list. Any questions? You'll see with the access changes in PAC, is that going to affect or how are students being notified regarding night classes that may occur in that building? They can always still get in through the main entrance. So it's really just if they were ever using those side doors. They'll be locked and they'll be signage and stuff. But anytime there's an event like that happens, the PAC posts things in campus announcements, which youve or hate it, they will post it there. Yeah. Will that affect the tunnel access at all, do we know? I don't know. I I don't know how it could completely affect access because of that. So Probably not, but that is probably a Brian Reeves question, I'm sorry. I don't I don't think there are approximately readers being installed in the tunnel doors. So Sf I think it's just those external doors. I just don't know when we have events that have heightened security, how it works on the first floor of PAC. So yeah, we might want to check with Brian Reves on that on what they do. Rich. Yeah. Hi. I was looking at the new parking policy and maybe I just haven't looked at the old one very closely, but is there any highlights of the changes because I don't think it goes through in highlights like this is what we're changing or underlines it. But I just skimmed it really quick, but I don't know if there's a I I don't think we've had an official parking policy in the past. So if someone's on the call that can correct me, please do, but I think it's a brand new policy that pulls together our historical practices and all those things into an official policy. But Rex, I really do like the point that you're making in that if we do have just an updated policy to make sure the community knows what's changed. So I'll try to keep that in mind and figure out a way to display that when we have others that come up. Okay. That's helpful because when I read it, I was like, I feel like this is what we already knew, and so that's why I was confused. But if it's just kind of pulling together like verbal things that have been said, that makes perfect sense. Thank you. Yeah. I think it's mostly a formality of what we already do in practice. Counsel, you mentioned a little bit about one of the priorities for the Chancellor of this year is the academic portfolio. This might be just me needing to reach out to the pro bust and having him come to a meeting and have a conversation about that. But is there going to be information shared about, you know what that means more specifically, obviously we're reviewing. Yes. Absolutely. Yeah. That's actually what I've been working on as a communication plan about how to bring the campus into the fold with all of this. So yes. At a high level, it involves looking at some benchmarking. So making sure academic programs are in line with enrollment and completion standards compared to Asia and IBHG. First, taking a look at those. Then if we have programs that maybe fall below that Standard developing an action plan to move in the right direction. To look at strengthening programs that might be underperforming right now. Maybe they're not in market demand, those types of things, and what can we do to move the needle. That's my basic understanding of what they'll be doing in the academic realm, but there'll be more information directly from the provost on throughout the semester, and we're figuring out how that's going to be rolled out right now. Okay. Yeah. I wonder a little bit on If that review goes into staffing and, you know, things of that sort as well? Like, is there enough support or is there not to make things happen? So I just kind of that conversation as well. Yeah. If that's part of it or not. Yeah. I'm always scared of giving bad information, but my viewpoint of it is that the first level is not at that level. Yeah. Yeah. All right. That's fine. Thank you. Any other questions, comments for Kelsey? See or hearing anything. So thank you very much, Kelsey. Welcome. We are going to move on enrollment management and retention. Brian couldn't be here. So I believe we have a substitute. Amanda. Good morning. Sorry, I'm having some issues with my camera this morning. So Fall 24 Census date is this Friday the six. Our fall enrollment numbers will be finalized at the end of that day. As of Tuesday, September, our enrollment are relatively flat compared to last fall. We're down 0.77% overall with a current headcount of 4,620 compared to the 4,656 of last year. Our undergraduate and graduate numbers are down just slightly. The number of students who have filed a FASTA is still lower than at this point last year. But it has increased slightly over the last few weeks. Admission counselors will be busy during the upcoming months, attending events at high schools, college fairs, and other events, trying to recruit first year and transfer students. Various communications will also be sent to these populations as well. The updated tuition and fee calculator is now available on the registrar's website. It includes the cost of attendance, information, like books and housing and is presented in a new format. Lastly, planning for Spring 25 is underway. The schedule will be posted on the registrars website no later than October 15. Okay. Awesome. Amanda, you may not have the answer to this question, but do you know if financial assistance is still processing any financial aid packages for potential incoming students? I think there is some packaging still going on, but I'm not really sure where they're at on that. Okay. No, that's fine. I understand. Other questions for Amanda. This is a good opportunity to barage her with questions Brian Better Ts. Amanda, I actually had a question. If you guys don't have this, that's fine. I was want Do you track what our retention rate is on freshmen who were freshmen last year, but it would be sophomores this year. Do you guys track that to see who who's come back? I just asked because I know I know we have one student in particular in our office that's she's not coming back. And I was just curious, Do you guys track that if you don't? That's fine. I just thought I'd ask. I think there are some continuing student reports that are organized. I just I am not sure where in that office that data is communicated. Okay. Thank you. Anything else? Well, thank you, Amanda for coming and Thank filling in for Brian. Thank you. Let I know we like you more so that It hurts his feelings. Okay. We're moving on. There's no real new business or old business. I do want to make a couple comments here though. One, I did attach the committee reports appointments. I know that there are probably some So appointments that are different than they had been in the previous past years. I just want to give a little bit of update on the thought process when we went through and assigned the appointments. One was looking at trying to make sure everybody who wanted to be involved is involved in the committees, which is what we used that interest form that was sent out. Everybody submitted it in return. This is the first year that I know of that we've got Every member of CSEC committee on a committee of some sort. So that's a great thing. I want to continue to encourage that, especially new members getting involved in these committees. And I think it's important that we introduce them to this stuff. We also tried to weigh number of committees in the workload that comes with some of those committees as well. Some of them are much more heavy in the workload. Some of them require much longer periods of time that you're working on the stuff. We tried to balance that out as well along with the interests of everybody. I know there's probably some changes and maybe some people are unhappy with some of it, but hopefully everybody understands that we're trying to get everybody involved as much as possible. Last meeting the Council of Counsels was brought up. We did finally get some information. And I'm going to put the link to the website in the chat. But we did get some information. It is going to be held in Chicago this year, and it is on let me tell you the wrong date. Look at it. October 26. Friday, October 25. It's at the Student Center East for the UIC campus. It begins at 8:00 with the registration and goes till about 4:00 in the afternoon. So if you're interested in that, there's some information on that page, including hotel, parking, and all that stuff. If you have any questions, you can always reach out to us. There's also a contact information of a Mila Areola. I don't know if I said that right or completely budgeted it. But she's at UIC and you can reach out to her or the UIC SAC UIC UVU for questions regarding registration. Lastly, the only other thing I have, we're going to have a change in our committee. We are losing a very important member, and I'm very sad to see this person go. I already yelled at her. So we don't have to do that. But Rexanne is leaving us for greener pastures, I guess. And I don't know if she wants to talk about what she's going to be doing here. I'll let her say her goodbyes, I guess. Hi, everybody. My last day at UIS will be actually the same day as Melissa, September 13. I am leaving UIS to serve. I will be working for the Illinois Coalition Against sexual assaults as their new legal affairs specialist. So I'll be able to do a lot more stuff around policy and training that I've had an interest in. So I will Yep, I'll be leaving on the 13th and then I'm figuring out we may be having a coffee and donuts down at the diversity center sometime next week if folks want to stop by, but will send something out. I go on vacation and then I start on the 23rd there. I really enjoyed being on this wonderful group and helping how I can and getting to know all of you. That's where I'm going. I'll be in Springfield. My kid will still be at the daycare. I'll probably be around and at events and stuff every once in a while. So yeah, we're going to miss your X. With that said, I believe our newest committee member will be Angela Dyer. She hasn't officially told me yes, but I think she's kind of anyways. And she's on this meeting. So she will start in October with her term. So we'll welcome her. What that also means is that we have a vacancy for Secretary. So I would appreciate if you are potentially interested in serving as that role. You can think about it, don't have to let me know now, but send me an e mail. Let me know if you're interested. And then we can do a vote in the October meeting. If nobody is interested, then we'll look at appointing somebody. That just means I have to pull favors out and stuff. Once again, we're going to miss Rex, so sorry to see you leave. And the 13th is a Friday. Just throwing that out there Friday the 13th. No working well for us right now. So nobody else can leave no. All right. Gregers report, Jamie, you have your mice work? We'll see maybe it's working now. Can you hear me? Yeah. Okay. I actually was able to get the updates on our budget and our staff appreciation budget was approved for this year. And so moving forward with that, we have some money to put on our celebrations this year. Okay. Said the executive did meet Something's wrong again, and I can't you sound like And everybody else? Is it just Jane? That's just Jane. The executive committee we met, we discussed the committee assignments, but in all honesty, we mainly had lunch and celebrated a dress in our time and gave her a low going away lunch. Not much other than that. We will be meeting with the Chancellor in October. So if you have anything that you would like us to discuss, big picture items, small picture items, concerns, ideas, please let myself, Jamie, or Jeff know, and we will add it to our agenda of things to talk to her about. Let me pull up the exact date so that I can tell you. I think it's early October. S meet on the third. So if you have something, I would appreciate it if you could get it to us by 23 September. So a couple of weeks. That gives me time to put together the agenda and send it over to the Chancellor Wek a time. So she's aware of what we're going to discuss. All right. Anything else from the executive I know from Jeff. Jamie can't say anything anyway. So it's okay. And we'll move on to ABC. Got. Sorry. I was having trouble kitten and things clicked over. Um So I think the only things I had about that they talked about was they do have a vacant seat in APAC right now. So if you know anybody who might be interested in the AP staff, I think they're still seeking to fill that. I can't say if anything's happened since that meeting. They did. I think this came out of one of the reports, but that International Student Services is ready to move, but won't be moving until September or October. So they could be in that process right now. And I think that was that was most of the things that I noticed that were different between the meetings. So good things to know. ISS is should be moving around 23 September. Yeah. And there's Tracy confirming on the 23rd. Thanks, Tracy. All right. Care Committee. Jamie still connection issues. I don't know Heidi Gn, Chris, have you guys met yet with G DeCre. Okay. So I'm sure that will be coming soon. We've got some time. So Jamie's put in notes. She's defunct, hasn't met, budget approved. All right. We're on the right path. So that'll go with staff appreciation day as well. Campus Senate. They've just had the first an extra meeting and then the first meeting. Its a point in time. There's nothing much going on. First reading on a couple personnel policy things for faculty regarding clarifying some language. Nothing that truly affects civil service people at this time. Academic technology? Nothing. Sirs I assume nothing. Nothing. And yet. Yeah. We met in July in Carbondale, and really, there wasn't a whole lot to report. They talked about the bylaws and some changes they're trying to make and Mt Board positions, meetings that they're trying to organize, legislation that really didn't amount to anything. Other than that, they really we didn't really have a whole lot to report. So that's all I have for this time and we meet again in October. Okay. Thank you, Patty. A, we did just meets Pretty much not much going on. It's a slow time in legislative process. Talked a little bit about the Council of Councils. And we had a little discussion on the frequency in which these groups meet with HR on the individual campuses. Jeff, you want to touch base a little bit on that? Yes. So one of the things that we've heard about from the other campuses that they've used to meet with their HR teams regularly. Pre pandemic, UIUC said that they had like a monthly, I believe. With their individual HR people. UIC didn't really have much to say. I'm not sure what many of them are new so they weren't sure the past practices. But that was something that was very encouraged of the employee advisory groups is to try to meet with the HR groups as often as we can. Try to be a sounding board, helping with policy, making sure that everybody understands what's happening and being part of the process, not just being the information conduits. The other parts with that we also discussed was regular meetings with administration. So on our campus, we have been very fortunate that Chancellor Gooch meets with us regularly twice a year, so once a semester, we already have those meetings planned. We get to meet with her, spend time, bring up any concerns. In fact, we're trying to help advocate for the other two universities to get time with their chancellors as well. What else did The other thing was also getting time with President lean. So in the past years ago, it's been it was probably pre pandemic for me as well. I actually got to go to the President's house for lunch. It was a great meeting, very candid, very open. The President was very interested in hearing what our Civil Service Employee advisory groups were looking at, what the issues were and bringing those to him. So They're very much saying that we need to be part of the process. We need to be part of the conversations and to advocate for getting us in those conversations as well. So, we're going to try to get those president and lunches back together and So if we can't make even more change. All right. Parking appeals. We have not met yet. We're waiting for because Trese is really busy with the beginning of the semester, trying to get parking passes and all that for the students. So hopefully, her goal is to hopefully by the end of September or if not the first meeting in October, and we should be ready to go. All right. Thank you. Road Come if you guys met? No. Because they had assigned people late. So. Sustainability. I don't know that they've either met either. Amanda. I'm going to say no. Student discipline Committee. I doubt they have met. Amanda, do you have anything for that? No. Mike is not working. Okay. There's been nothing on the fund raising committee University planning budget hasn't met yet. Nothing to report on sustainability. Professional development. We did get our budget. Like I said, last time, we were trying to meet. There will be a meeting scheduled hopefully for tomorrow to get it out and going. I hope to have it out to the campus next week. A little bit of change there in some of the process on the back end regarding reimbursements, but that'll get handled internally by that committee. Enrollment Management retention Advisory Committee, Emily, do you have anything? We're meeting toward the end of this month for the one semester meeting. All right. Awesome. Amanda did put in for student discipline that they finalized a title Title nine section of Student Conduct code. So that'll be the only change there. All right. So that is everything on the agenda. Any announcements? An re attacks of the order. Okay. The other thing is we got to pick the song that Angela has to sing on her first meeting. Any suggestions? Bot Banjo. Living on a prayer, it is. All right. All right. With that said, I will take a motion to adjourn. So motion. Patty and Jeff. All right. Thanks, everybody. Have a rest of your week and great month, and we'll see you in October. Thank you. Everyone. Bye, everybody. I.
CSAC Meeting September 2024
From Information Technology Services University of Illinois Springfield October 17, 2024
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