4th Annual UIS Author Festival (Feb. 22, 2022)
From Cody Pope
Feb 22, 2022 06:00 PM Central
The Annual UIS Author Festival allows us to share some of the scholarship and research at the University of Illinois Springfield with our community. Gathering together to hear authors, having the ability to ask questions, and interacting with each other was an important format the first two years of the Festival. Moving to a virtual platform again this year removes the friendly conversations and prevents us from sampling the delightful offerings from UIS Catering, but we can still gather, question, and learn from UIS authors, and this opens the experience to those who cannot physically attend. Co-sponsored by the Friends of Brookens Library and by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, this event is a wonderful opportunity made possible by the wealth of talent within the UIS community.
Faculty publications are available to borrow and can be searched in the Library Catalog.
Featured Books & AuthorsWepner Distinguished Professor of Lincoln Studies, Department of History
Producer and co-director of the film Lincoln & Douglas: Touring Illinois in Turbulent Times (2020)
Dr. Elizabeth Ribarsky
Professor, Department of Communication
Editor and chapter author of Activate Your Superpower: Creating Compelling Communication (2020)
Activate Your Superpower: Creating Compelling Communication by Elizabeth Ribarsky, Jessica J. EcksteinISBN: 9781792406911Publication Date: 2020Finally! An Intro to Communication textbook for how instructors actually teach and students want to learn. Through teacher-informed organization, expert-written material, and applied challenges for today’s students, Activate Your Superpower: Creating Compelling Communication covers the powers necessary for students to become superheroes in our current world. What’s the point of learning if you’re not making a difference?
Dr. Neetu Singh
Assistant Professor, Department of Management Information Systems
Dissertation: Smart Interventions for Effective Medication Adherence with subsequent publication in top-tier journals.
*Please note that the second and third articles in this series are published by Elsevier. Their licensing allows currently enrolled/employed students, faculty, and staff with an active UIS NetID to access these materials from outside of our campus. For all others, the licensing provides complimentary on-campus access from within the library at one of our computers, or anywhere on campus by connecting to the UIS Guest Wi-Fi before accessing the link. Please reach out to libadmin@uis.edu with any access issues, and we will do our best to help.
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