01:21:44duration 1 hour 21 minutes
ECCE Speaker Series "Examining How Christian…
ECCE Speaker Series "Examining How Christian Faith Communities Become & Live Out Being Open & Inclusive to the LGBTQIA+ Community" (October 23, 2024)
In this event, Dr. Todd will present research…
33:33duration 33 minutes 33 seconds
The State of Black Springfield "Black…
The State of Black Springfield "Black Religion and the Community" (April 6, 2024)
Black Business and Economy Black Education and…
02:00:20duration 2 hours 0 minutes
LLL 2006
57:50duration 57 minutes 50 seconds
Eyes on the Prize | America's Civil Rights…
Eyes on the Prize | America's Civil Rights Movement | Volume 3 - Part 1
01:00:05duration 1 hour 0 minutes
UIS Lunch and Learn: Histories of Place: Nauvoo…
UIS Lunch and Learn: Histories of Place: Nauvoo and Alton (March 10, 2022)
Thursday, March 10 - Histories of Place: Nauvoo…
01:00:00duration 1 hour 0 minutes
UIS Lunch & Learn: The Architecture of Place…
UIS Lunch & Learn: The Architecture of Place and Sound (Sept. 22, 2021)
Tuesday, September 21 David Finnigan,…