01:19:21duration 1 hour 19 minutes
Sangamon Experience - "Soil & Soul Grand…
Sangamon Experience - "Soil & Soul Grand Opening" (November 7, 2024)
The Sangamon Experience at the University of…
01:07:47duration 1 hour 7 minutes
CFE - Tamam Waritu Empowering First Gen Students…
CFE - Tamam Waritu Empowering First Gen Students October 2023
Tamam Waritu shares strategies for empowering…
01:20:02duration 1 hour 20 minutes
ECCE Speaker Series "Beyond Enrollment"…
ECCE Speaker Series "Beyond Enrollment" (October 11, 2023)
Beyond Enrollment: Championing Success for…
01:13:44duration 1 hour 13 minutes
2021 Holtz Memorial Lecture: Featuring Medal of…
2021 Holtz Memorial Lecture: Featuring Medal of Honor Recipient Allen J. Lynch
2021 John Holtz Memorial Lecture, Recorded…
04:31duration 4 minutes 31 seconds
CAST: PBL (Problem-Based Learning) Breakdown
Description on the process of problem-based…
23:54duration 23 minutes 54 seconds
Week 4 Physical Abuse and Problem-Based Learning